Donate To Save Our Auto Glass Industry
When you donate to FIGA, you can rest assured knowing that 100% of your financial contribution will go towards efforts to save the independent auto glass industry. FIGA is a non-profit, which means that every single penny that is raised will be put into fighting legislation that is introduced to Florida Congress. Your contributions are vital to saving the independent auto glass industry. Our auto glass lobbyist firm, Corcoran and Johnston, provides 24/7 watchdog support, fighting for small auto glass businesses like yours. They spend countless hours on the capital steps, developing relationships with members of Congress and educating them on the real merits of proposed laws, rather than rhetoric purported by insurance companies and big auto glass companies, such as Safelite.
*FIGA is completely non profit. No members are compensated for their efforts. 100% of all donations are used to maintain our efforts in Tallahassee. Please check with your accountant to learn how your contribution may be tax deductible.