Welcome New Members
Welcome new Florida Independent Glass Association (FIGA) member!
If you are not already aware in this past legislative session ending May 3, 2019 the Florida legislation came virtually within minutes of passing laws that would have virtually eliminated the independent glass industry. Only a few network shops could have survived and, of course, the corporate goliath Safelite.
It has long been the goal of Safelite and the insurance industry to put independent glass shops out of business and we independents were only saved in the final moments of this past legislative session by the efforts of FIGA members and Corcoran and Johnston, the best lobbying firm in Florida, and a few extremely enlightened, well informed legislators.
The valiant effort on the part of the FIGA team cost over $225,000 in 2019 and in 2020 the cost will be even higher. This coming legislative session, which informally starts this September, will be our biggest challenge ever! It will cost between $275,000 and $300,000 due to the continued pressure that insurance companies and Safelite have applied to legislators by spreading pure propaganda. FIGA had limited resources this past session to carry the financial freight. This session we will need well over 100 members to equitably share the burden.
FIGA members will be asked to contribute financially, to be available to enlist their family members and friends to make phone calls to politicians if necessary, and to be prepared to appear at hearings and rallies in our State Capitol.
Without your commitment our industry will not survive another legislative session!